
We need your support to help free men from their addictions.

Freedom’s Door is funded primarily by private donations. If you’d like to support our program through a financial contribution, there are several options available for donations.

Freedom’s Door is a registered non-profit society. Donations are tax deductible, and receipts will be issued. For more information about donations, contact us.



We can accept donations by e-transfer at: [email protected].

Please send us an email with your contact information for tax receipt purposes.

Canada Helps

Donate at



Mail your cheque payable to Freedom’s Door:

Freedom’s Door
1279 Centennial Cres.
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 6K3

Freedoms Door Coffee Club

Find out about our monthly giving fundraiser here.

BC Public Service Employees

Did you know Freedom’s Door is a current donor choice charity you can choose to support through the PECSF? Click here to find out more.

The Gift of Transformation

Please consider giving the Gift of Transformation. See our catalogue for areas and ways that you can make a difference.

Securities and Real Estate

Did you know that if you give securities or real estate as a donation to Freedom’s Door that you are not required to pay Capital Gains and you get a charity receipt? If you would like to find out more please call or email us.