Fall 2024 Newsletter

Fall 2024 Newsletter

To Our Friends of Freedom’s Door

There is an old tale of a holy man searching for wisdom. He is walking through a forested area in a place not known to him. He notices a shiny object barely jutting out of the soil, under a bush. He digs it out and discovers a valuable, rough jewel, the size of his fist.

That night a man in a nearby village has a dream of a man discovering a large jewel in the forest. He awakes and goes in search of the man. On finding him he tells the man about his dream. The holy man pulls the jewel from his knapsack and says, “Here is the jewel of which you dreamed, you may have it”.

The villager takes the gift and returns home. The next day he awakes and again searches for the man in the forest. On finding him he returns the jewel, and says, “Please teach me the wisdom of how you could give this away so easily.”

Please click the link below as we share some of these stories in more detail in our full Fall Newsletter.

Fall Newsletter 2024

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