Fall Newsletter 2023

Fall Newsletter 2023

To Our Friends of Freedom’s Door

We are thrilled to share with you this fall, several stories and praise items from our community.  As we continue to pour into the lives of those who have found their way to us, God continues to change lives and bless us abundantly.  

Click the link below to read our full Fall Newsletter.

Fall Newsletter 2023

Also please click on the Belaire Townhomes Project link to find out more about our exciting upcoming build that will enable us to accommodate more of our men in the Next Steps Program and provide affordable housing as they continue in their recovery journey.

Belaire Townhomes Project

Our Fall Fundraising Dinner is coming up on October 5, 2023. 
Click the Fundraising Dinner link for time location and tickets sales information.

Fundraising Dinner

Thank you for your ongoing prayer and support.